Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Look Ma, No Kitchen!

I thought I'd share some pictures of my new home while it's being renovated.

This is a picture of my desk, which is currently the garbage can of home improvement!

Believe it or not, this is the kitchen!  You may have guessed from the very last kitchen-y item: the fridge.

There are two doors from the living room into my bedroom.  No need for that, but there IS need for more uninterrupted wall space!  So this door is turning into a wall.

My bedroom, with a shot of the dormer (which will be my office) and the newly sanded floors, soon to be stained!

My awesome loft!  Right now it has a ladder, but we are installing a pull-down ladder instead, like the kind that go to an attic.

These are my inside stairs down to the rest of the building/house.  There's a gorgeous skylight to provide illumination.  You also see the bedroom door that is NOT turning into a wall.

My also-under-construction bathroom.

Like the deck, the bathtub is also temporarily posing as a garbage can.

And...the house!  That very top window you see on the front of the house is the window in the dormer in my bedroom.

Now, don't you all want to come visit to see how it turns out?  I'll let you sleep in the loft...

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