Sunday, October 25, 2009

Aussies are Nice

Aussies are so nice! We ask for help all the time: at our presentations, at the hotels, in the mall, on the street, in the stores. Trust me, we are help-asking pests, and everyone goes above and beyond to help us out.

A very nice example. Somehow, (I think because we presented 5 days in a row, each day in a different town or city) Nancy and I lost our heads in Canberra. I realized this morning that I left my beloved presenting dress in the closet in our hotel room in Canberra. Nancy left her wallet (!) on the plane to Tasmania. Well, I haven't hunted down my dress yet, but Nancy called the airline, and they had her wallet all safe and sound and waiting for her. Though I love my country, I wonder if a wallet filled with money and credit cards would have made it's way unharmed to the lost and found, and if it had, if the finder would have been willing to ship it anywhere at all to return it. It is just a perfect example of how friendly, helpful and great the Aussies are!

Now cross your fingers that I get my dress back.


  1. AMAZING!!!! Money, credit cards and everything else returned in tact. That might not happen in the Bronx(no offense to any NY'ers). I hope you have the same good luck with your dress!

  2. Sadly, I did NOT have the same good luck with my dress. I called the hotel, and it was gone. Who would want someone else's dress, I ask you? Especially one that had been worn to present 5 times already and was sweaty and gross? Anyway, I actually found it again on, still on sale, and bought another one!
