Monday, October 19, 2009

We are in Erina.

Our first presentation was yesterday, and we had such a wonderful time! Mylee and Alexander had everything set up for us at the NSW State Library, and the crowd was a blast. I'm at a public library computer (how appropriate!), so I can't post pictures right now, but I will as soon as I have internet access on my own laptop.

As soon as we finished presenting, we hopped in the van to drive up to the Central Coast (we wanted to beat Sydney rush hour -- seems that's a universal problem). We are in the town of Erina, which is right on the ocean. It's gorgeous here. Last night we met a local librarian, Jo, for dinner at a Chinese restaurant. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. We laughed the entire time. Nancy and Jim had margaritas -- at the Chinese restaurant -- in Australia. It was a very multicultural experience.

We are in the middle of our presentation here (Nancy is presenting right now), and it's been wonderful, too. The people who work with children in Australia are an amazing bunch.

I've had more adventures with hotels. This morning when I went to take a shower, I couldn't get the glass door to slide open. I'm pushing and pulling at both ends, thinking, "How hard can this be?" Finally, I looked at the hinge and realized the door pushed in. Sigh...

After today's presentation we leave immediately to head back to Sydney, get on a plane, and fly to Adelaide. Again, as soon as I have wifi, I'll post lots of pictures.

Oh! And I don't want to forget a curse I learned: I hope your chocks turn into emus and kick your dunny door down. (Chocks are chickens, and a dunny is an outhouse.) This is my new favorite curse (not that I had many curses to begin with), and I plan to use it as often as possible.


  1. 1. Congrats on the first presentation. Knew you'd rock it. (and) 2. How cool is that curse...a curse with a reference to an outhouse. We should totally refer to it as Shannon's curse.

  2. I'm loving your descriptions of what you have been doing and living vicariously through you! I also love it that you are chronicaling your candy consumption which is totally what I would do too. Sometime I'll show you all of my Spanish candy wrappers I saved. Glad you are all enjoying it and thanks for keeping us so well updated!

  3. So glad that your first presentation went well....never a doubt. Don't worry about the shower door, it happens to all of us: we just won't admit it! What a curse, I'll have read 8 more times to really get a grip. Enjoy!
