Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Am a Lucky Charm!

First, allow me to add a bit about last night, after my last post. Hilariously, Sterling started randomly hissing at Mischa -- or should I say, hissing in Mischa's direction. Sterling began hissing at Mischa from all over my apartment, mostly from places where she couldn't even see Mischa. It was hysterical, and it was for no good reason other than Mischa's existence. When Sterling hissed, Mischa wasn't making any noise or doing anything that would attract attention. Sterling would just be going about her day, then suddenly, out of nowhere, hiss no matter where she was or what she was doing, in Mischa's general direction. What a silly, silly girl.

But now for the big news: Mischa is getting adopted! I must be a lucky charm. I brought Mischa home yesterday (Friday), and today around 1:00 PM I get a phone call from the Seattle Animal Shelter telling me that someone wants to adopt her! I am so, so excited for her. And she's going to (hopefully) have a boyfriend named Ernie! Yep. Mischa and Ernie, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. But don't worry, they're both fixed. Ha!

And so, on Tuesday, I'm going to bring home the next most elderly rabbit at SAS: seven-year-old Fuzzy. Let me tell you a bit about Fuzzy, and I'll supplement with pictures on Tuesday. Fuzzy is totally ridiculous. I don't mean that in a mean way, but he looks utterly fake, like a stuffed animal. Here is some info:

1) Fuzzy is a mix between a lionhead rabbit and a lop-eared rabbit. So he has quite a hairdo.

2) Fuzzy is solid black, and with his hairdo, it's hard to tell what part of him you're looking at most of the time.

3) Fuzzy is deaf. As a result, Fuzzy sleeps so soundly you can't help but check that he's still alive.

4) Fuzzy has bald spots.

5) Fuzzy has the same attitude of an old guy on his front porch with a rifle, shouting, "You whippersnappers get off my lawn!" at the neighborhood kids. In fact, one volunteer compared him to Clint Eastwood in "Gran Torino." How do I know this? Once, accidentally, Fuzzy was out roaming the critter room when a teen rabbit named Lopter got out as well. Fuzzy totally attacked and defended his territory. And then went and took a nap.

6) Fuzzy naps a lot.

7) Fuzzy loves to be held and cuddled.

The deaf thing works out great, since Sterling can hiss and growl all she wants, and Fuzzy will be blissfully unaware. And probably asleep.

My hope is that my good-luck-charminess will continue, and someone will adopt Fuzzy, too.

By the way, everyone in the Puget Sound area is welcome to come and visit to meet Fuzzy, though you have to pay homage to Sterling first.

I'll post a picture tomorrow of Mischa packing up to head out to her forever home.

1 comment:

  1. i would totally love to see what fuzzy looks like! my brother recently had a lionhead rabbit that passed away. he was super duper sweet and made a great house bunny- well potty trained, though he liked to use the cats litter box. i would tell him all about mr fuzzy but i think he is fairly traumatized from the loss of Humphrey still.

    (ps this is Isa)
