Friday, January 6, 2012

Did You Know?

Just a little plug for the Seattle Animal Shelter. As I wrote in my last post, SAS has tons of critters in addition to cats and dogs. So please, check to see if SAS has any critter for adoption before you buy one.

Love reptiles? We get every kind.

Does your child want a hamster or gerbil? Please check SAS before buying one at a pet store.

Are you an urban farmer? SAS almost always has chickens, both hens and roosters. Sometimes we even have really snazzy ones. In addition, we've had goats, pigs and a peacock.

Want something exotic? We have had dwarf hamsters, chinchillas, a hedgehog, and an eight- foot python.

Want a baby animal? We've had baby guinea pigs no bigger than peanuts, and baby rabbits only eight days old.

And, of course, many, many dogs and cats.

You can even watch videos!

Also, please keep in mind that we always need foster parents, especially for babies, the elderly, sick animals, and animals with behavioral problems. This is true for critters, dogs and cats. SAS never has enough foster parents. Please e-mail me at if you have any questions at all about fostering, the Animal Shelter itself, or about volunteering.

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