Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Eagle Has Landed! Or...the Bunny.

Since 8-year-old Mischa got adopted on Sunday, today, Tuesday, I brought home 7-year-old Fuzzy. I love this little guy! I think I got some good pictures. Let's see...

This is not a great photo, but it does show off his lop ears:

This picture is just cute! Except for all of his little poops. Sigh... Fuzzy is not the best with his litter box.

This is an overhead view. Please note how the fur on the top of his head parts right in the middle! By the way, the dark fur is, in fact, as soft and glossy as it looks, and the lighter fur is so fine that you can hardly tell when you're touching it. (And in case you're wondering, those are Fuzzy's measuring spoons. Most rabbits love to toss around plastic measuring cups and/or spoons.)

Sterling is still miraculously doing great. She still hasn't peed on anything, and she has been hissing much less than she did with Mischa. Poor Fuzzy only rates a single half-hearted hiss as she walks by. I don't know if Sterling is getting used to rabbits, or if she thinks Fuzzy is less of a threat. Or maybe she can tell Fuzzy can't hear her and doesn't want to put forth the effort.

Now you can see Fuzzy. He is almost impossible not to pick up and cuddle. I've been trying so hard to give Sterling scads of attention, but she is not a cuddler. So I picked up Fuzzy and took him to sit on the couch. Next to Sterling. Would you believe that for almost a minute Sterling didn't do anything? And then she hissed, but from where she was laying! She didn't even bother to stand up to hiss. And she never did leave. I put Fuzzy back because cat hisses stink, and a bunch in a row gets a bit putrid. But still, amazing!

But just to prove Sterling is not stressed by this situation, I took this picture 10 minutes ago:

So all is well, and everyone is welcome to come visit!

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