Friday, January 6, 2012

The Adventure Begins

10:34 PM

Okay, I'll sign off for the night with a final report. I know it's early days, but I'm so excited with how well things are going. Sterling continues to hiss every time she walks by Mischa, but Mischa seems very unconcerned by it all. Sterling has not peed on anything yet, and she's out and about through my whole apartment! To explain how big of a deal that is: when my Dad was here over Christmas, Sterling refused to come out of my bedroom unless we were gone or asleep. For an entire week. And then the morning he left, I came home from dropping him off at the airport to find that she had peed on his bed, as if to say, "Good riddance, and don't come back!" (Luckily, his bed was covered with a shower curtain.) And my Dad even tried to be nice!

So the fact that she's out and about, hasn't peed, and has done no more than hiss is really quite remarkable. However, it's entirely possible that she's currently lying on the couch plotting devious ways to torture Mischa and me tomorrow. She does like to plot.

Until tomorrow, sweet carrot dreams from Mischa, and dreams of solitude from Sterling.

7:18 PM

Here is what has happened with Sterling so far:

When Mischa and I returned home, Sterling was in my bedroom on the bed. Sterling cannot see Mischa's little pen from the bed. As I got Mischa all set up, Sterling stayed there and didn't seem agitated at all. When Mischa made noise by crunching on a carrot, Sterling sat up, ears pricked, but still didn't seem agitated and didn't leave the bed.

Then Sterling's automatic feeder let out her next little meal. Sterling hopped down and walked right past Mischa's little home on her way to her food. Now Mischa was curled up under the chair in her pen. Sterling paused, took a quick glance and went on her way. The same thing happened on her way back.

A couple of hours later, the feeder went off again. This time, Mischa was out and about. Sterling ignored her on her way to her food, but on the way back she hissed the entire way to the bedroom. (Hiss! Step, step, step. Hiss! Step, step, step.) She sat on her "condo" (which is what I call her cat tree) to ponder, then stuck her head back out to hiss again, just in case Mischa had missed it, and went under the bed to sulk. She's now back on top of the bed.

I fear jinxing myself, but still no pee!

2:21 PM

She's here! Here is where she started:

Here is where she is now, exploring around:

1:49 PM

I've been to SAS to pack up Mischa's stuff. Here is a picture of her new home:

Okay, off to pick up Mischa!

12:54 PM
I forgot to take all of my bags and baggies and tupperware to the Shelter with me this morning. So I did my regular shift, came home, showered, and am about to head back to get all of Mischa's stuff.

Just FYI, here is a picture of Sterling's current life. (Please ignore mess on coffee table.) As you can see, her life is rather cushy.

Okay, off I go.

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