Sunday, January 23, 2011

Do I WANT to Meet More People?

Welcome to Week 3 of my New Year's Resolutions.

This week I drew #45, which is to "Seek Out Kindred Spirits on the Internet." I'm a bit torn about this one. It recommends using sites like to meet friends in the area. I've used Meetup before to find my Steeler Group. Also, I already have about as many friends as I can handle, so I'm not sure I want to make more. But I should check it out, I guess.

So, this week I do not guarantee that I'll join a Meetup group, but I will take a look and see if I find anything interesting that really catches my fancy. I'll report back next week.

Do you belong to any Meetup groups? If so, which ones, and do you like them?

Okay, on to old business.

I got my second full star for exercising on the Presidential Fitness website, Once again, I'm really thankful for these silly stars. They really get me going when I'm feeling lazy.

Once again, I completely forgot to look up any potential employee discounts. Good grief! In my defense, this is only something I can look up at work, and the new library branch at which I work is insanely busy. Busier on a consistent basis than any other branch I've ever worked at. It kicks my butt. So once again, this week I'll look that up and (hopefully) get back to you next week!

In other news, the Pittsburgh Steelers won the AFC Championship and will be going to the Super Bowl...again! This year, the Super Bowl will be on my birthday. Does that mean I get a guaranteed Steeler win for my birthday? Go Steelers!

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