Monday, January 17, 2011

House-Hunting? Not me.

Hello, all!

Well, today I drew lucky #13, which is "Reconsider House Hunting." Luckily for me, this isn't an issue right now since I already own my home. Though I am in the process of refinancing at the moment. Ugh. Such a pain in the patootie.

It's a good thing I don't have to do a task this week. I didn't do great this past week with my other tasks.

Let's start with exercise. This week I still exercised, but only 4 days, not five. So no completed star for me on Sigh... I love getting those stars filled in, so this is a bummer. Plus, it only gives me one more buffer week to complete six out of eight weeks. Yikes! But this week, I've already worked out two days, so I'm back on track.

Also, I only completed two out of the three sources of discounts, and not even the one advocated by "U.S. News & World Report"!

First, I investigated AAA discounts. Now that was amazing. I've been really losing out by not having checked this earlier. If any of you have AAA, here are discounts that I'll be using:

I also looked up any discounts through the American Library Association. There were only a few:

  • Avis Rental Cars
  • Books-a-Million

But I didn't look up my work discounts! Work at my new branch has been really hectic, and the time I have when I'm not working at the reference desk has been really busy. So this week, this task still stands.

Until next week!

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