Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Very Potty Birthday to Me!

So, my reputation for potty and poop humor is known far and wide, both personally and professionally.  It paid off for my last birthday!  Look at these fantastic cards and gift I got!

From the staff at work:


From my friend, Diane:

"It's a cute panda," you say.  "Why is it here on this poopy post?"  Well, here's why:

Yes, this card was made of PANDA POOP!  Ha ha! 
(In case you were wondering, it doesn't stink.  I checked.)

Then this card from my sister:

Oh, yes.  Kittens in tighty-whiteys.  Ha!  Hope they were clean!

And finally, this most excellent gift from Paula:

Are you confused?  Allow me to elaborate:

Oh, yes, it is.  And Sterling LOVES it.

Look at the drinking action!

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