Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Newburyport Public Library Children's Room

Finally, I am posting some pictures of my new library's children's room!

First, the children's reference desk.  At this library, not only do we do reference and readers' advisory, we also do our own check-ins and check-outs (see the return slot by the door?) and shelving.

This is the view from the door.

This is a view of the non-fiction.

This is a cozy corner surrounded by picture book shelving.

From inside the children's room, a view in to the children's programming room.  Isn't it beautiful how they have those wooden windows to see into the room?

This is the inside of the children's programming room.  I love the carpeted, built-in risers.

Another door in the children's programming room goes outside.

A cozy nook in the children's (chapter book) fiction.

The children's computers.  All adults are kicked off if a child is waiting!

It is the nicest room.  We have plans.  The beige walls will eventually go by the wayside, replaced by color.  That should make a huge difference!  We are also thinking of teen murals (perhaps of nursery rhymes?) on the posts.

Pictures of other parts of the library will be posted later!

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