First, the children's reference desk. At this library, not only do we do reference and readers' advisory, we also do our own check-ins and check-outs (see the return slot by the door?) and shelving.
This is the view from the door.
This is a view of the non-fiction.
This is a cozy corner surrounded by picture book shelving.
From inside the children's room, a view in to the children's programming room. Isn't it beautiful how they have those wooden windows to see into the room?
This is the inside of the children's programming room. I love the carpeted, built-in risers.
Another door in the children's programming room goes outside.
A cozy nook in the children's (chapter book) fiction.
The children's computers. All adults are kicked off if a child is waiting!
It is the nicest room. We have plans. The beige walls will eventually go by the wayside, replaced by color. That should make a huge difference! We are also thinking of teen murals (perhaps of nursery rhymes?) on the posts.
Pictures of other parts of the library will be posted later!
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